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    2018, December

    Tips for last minute shopping
    Tips for last minute shopping

    With Christmas on the horizon, many of us have a lot of shopping left to do.  Most of us strive to give the best gifts to our friends and families and go to great lengths to ensure we make everyone on our list happy on Christmas day.  This sounds easy; however, finding the right gift this close to Christmas can be very stressful and lead to long shopping adventures.  Many stores are starting to sell out of items and some of us might begin to settle on second choices.  Below you will see some tip...

    0 Tariffs

    A topic that is often talk about today, both in the home and at the office, is tariffs. Tariffs are a certain type of tax that is applied to products made from other countries that is applied when the items are brought into the United Sates.  There are many reasons for tariffs and the idea of using them to help promote America’s national economy is not a new concept. Below you will find some talking points about tariffs and the benefits and downsides to applying them.  Please note this article i...

    Sharing the Holiday Magic
    Sharing the Holiday Magic

    Now that we are in December, we are at the climax of the holiday season.  People are busy shopping to buy everything they need to make sure their gift list is fully checked off in time for the holidays.   However, the holidays are about a lot more than gifts.  A big part of December is spreading some holiday joy.  Below you will find some simple and fun ways to help spread the love and give back to your community this holiday season. 

    Food Bank/ Food Drive

    One of the easiest things to do to he...