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    2018, March

    Starting Your Day Right
    0 Starting Your Day Right

    The most skipped meal of the day is the most important.  Many people rush out of their homes just to sit in traffic to arrive at work on time.  Less and less people every year are waking up a bit early to eat a proper breakfast.  Whether you make the breakfast yourself or stop at a store, it is important to eat a healthy and nutritious meal to start the day.


    Millions of people every morning start their day with a fresh cup of coffee.  There are many varieties of this beverage and it is ...

    Finding the Ideal Desk
    0 Finding the Ideal Desk

    In today’s digital age, the options for office desk styles is limitless.  There are tons of brands, configurations, and features that make finding the ideal desk a challenge.  Whether you are shopping for your home office or professional office, there are several things to consider when choosing a desk that will be the right fit.   Below you will find some tips for helping to determine what desk style best suits your needs.



    There are many desk configurations out there: U-shape...

    Spring Break Travel Tips
    0 Spring Break Travel Tips

    Now that mid-March has arrived, many people start planning their spring break adventures.  Whether you are traveling as a family or going on a college type spring break trip there are many things that must be remembered to ensure your vacation goes off smoothly and without incident.  Below you will find a series of simple tips to prevent vacation headaches and nightmares.


    Confirm Your Reservations

    There are a lot of things to do in preparing to travel; however, ensuring you have transportat...

    Benefits of an Organized Office
    0 Benefits of an Organized Office

    Even though we have entered the digital age, we still manage to find ways to make a mess of our offices.  Papers and presentation packets end up all over our office and it still becomes a challenge to keep our desk work surfaces clean.  This can create a number of problems throughout the day.  Having a messy desk results in delays and mistakes; in addition, it represents us in a negative light when people come to visit the office.  Below is a list of habits that will help ensure our offices rema...