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    2018, November

    Great Gifts for the Office
    Great Gifts for the Office

    Thanksgiving has passed and now we are in the holiday season.  The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the busiest shopping time of the year.  We look to buy gifts for friends and loved ones and we even try to snag a few deals for ourselves along the way.  The big gifts such as televisions, clothing items, and just about anything else one might use for a variety of hobbies are still prevalent; however, it is important that we also get some practical gifts as well.  Below you will see some...

    Simple Efficiency
    Simple Efficiency

    Everyone talks about being more productive and the question always being asked is how to be more efficient?  Saving effort and time saves money in the business world and it makes the lives of every employee a bit easier; however, talking about being more efficient is always easier than becoming more efficient.  There are many barriers that stand in the way of being more productive, some are obvious, and some are a bit harder to identify.  Below you will see some simple things to look at when eva...

    November Already!?
    November Already!?

    It is hard to believe that we are already in November, summer has long gone and we are now closer to Christmas (48 days away) than we are Labor Day (65 days ago).  Daylight Savings Time has now ended and the sun sets before half of us even leave work.  Initially it is a little depressing for it to be dark more often as days become shorter and to know that summer is over; however, November is the start to a whole new set of events and days to look forward too. 



    If you have not m...

    The American Responsibility
    The American Responsibility

    People like to have power and people like to have control.  One of the greatest parts about being an American citizen is you are entitled and enabled to have both, and you do not even need to do much to obtain it.  All you have to do is register to vote.  What makes America great is Democracy, every person can have a voice.  Most people think having a voice in politics is about being elected or having a popular news media outlet to reach many people and to influence their decisions; however, thi...