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    2019, February

    Finding the Ideal Workout Routine
    Finding the Ideal Workout Routine

    People are different and our bodies and what we need differ greatly as a result.  In the modern era, healthcare is a huge industry but often we ignore the other wellness service providers that can be equally, if not more, important.  Fitness services like gyms and spas are a huge business in America, there are a wide variety of types and they all are a bit different.  So how do you know which one is right for you?  Below you will see a few different options based on what they aim to achieve.  Re...

    Cultivating Community and Support Against Violence in the Digital Age
    Cultivating Community and Support Against Violence in the Digital Age

    We live in an imperfect society with many flaws.  These issues have always existed; however, the modern digital age has allowed some of these issues to become national news and national movements.  One of these issues that we hear about is domestic abuse.  This issue affects a large number of people, mainly women, and every claim deserves to be taken seriously.  In addition, we must be very careful to protect victims and ensure that false accusations are dismissed.  This is a lot easier said tha...

    Signs of a Positive Work Environment
    Signs of a Positive Work Environment

    We all have stories about the places we have worked in the past.  Some of them are good and some of them are bad.  What experiences and benefits are important to employees in the modern world?  All of us have different preferences and different standards that we find acceptable.  However, there is a universal list of things that are important to keep workplace morale high and to ensure your company is spoken highly from current or past employees.


    Positive Culture

    When talking about the cult...

    Everyone Makes Mistakes
    Everyone Makes Mistakes

    Everyone makes mistakes.  People around us make them every day and so do we.  What is important is that we learn from our mistakes and move forward.   A great mentality to have is to never make the same mistake twice.  Although we do not always succeed in this goal, the effort of obtaining it makes us better at our jobs and better at life in general.

    Recognizing and Admitting to Errors

    No one likes to be wrong and no one likes to make mistakes; however, it is worse when we try to hide the mist...