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    New Year, New Office
    New Year, New Office

    As we enter the New Year we often focus on personal goals and resolutions.  We think of ways to better our health and ourselves and strive to achieve these goals.  However, these goals typically focus on personal health and well being and we often overlook how we can become better professionals in the years to come.


    Being Efficient

    The key to being a successful professional is to be effective, efficient, and exceptional.  There are many ways to accomplish these goals, but we often think abo...

    December: The Waiting Month
    December: The Waiting Month

    December is known for the Holiday season and the end of the year.  We spend lots of time thinking about holiday celebrations, Christmas decorations, and how to make the most of the season.  However, December is also a month of waiting.  We wait at airports, we wait in traffic, we wait in lines at retail stores, and we wait for Christmas to arrive.  We spend so much time waiting for ourselves we do not often think about those who might be waiting for us.


    Inevitable Delays

    We always want to b...

    Holidays on the Horizon
    Holidays on the Horizon

    We have been spoiled by a great summer and a beautiful fall, but we must not let our guard down because now that it is November we must come to accept that Winter is on the horizon.  Daylight savings time has come to an end, trees are shedding their summer leaves, and it is dark at the end of dinner time.  However, with November comes too wonderful things.  The thought that the holiday season is on the horizon and, thankfully, an end to the constant political advertisements.


    Peace at Last


    Fall and Politics
    Fall and Politics

    This is the time of year we start to think about fall festivals and Halloween decorations and even the upcoming holiday season.  We can see the days getting shorter and we want to make the most of what’s left of the longer and sunny days.   However, this year we are being overwhelmed with politics.  We hear about it on the news constantly, we see yard signs, and we cannot watch television or listen to the radio without being subject to political advertisements.  Voting is important and politics ...

    The Digital Environment
    The Digital Environment

    Managing a successful business is a difficult task without outside interference; however, in today’s modern economy the environment is full of them.  We are dependent on the reliability of outside contractors, the ability to acquire materials, the need to hire and support a workforce, and the ability to network and advertise in a digital realm.  To be successful in today’s business climate, we must embrace technology, but that technology opens a ton of challenges.


    Pricing and Competition


    Making the Most of the End of Summer
    0 Making the Most of the End of Summer

    Let’s face it, the summer months are starting to take a toll on us both physically and mentally and August is a tough month.  We are trying to make the most of the warm temperatures, but the weather has not always cooperated. The children’s schedules have been in constant flux and summer camps sessions are starting to end. We are still trying to get in a last summer vacation or summer activity while we still can, but recreational hot spots are full of people and are busy.  It can often feel like...

    Enjoying the Longer Days
    Enjoying the Longer Days

    Summer is in full swing and now that the days are longer, we are doing everything we can to soak in the sun.  We accomplish more in the mornings than we do in the darkness of winter, and we are up later to ensure we are maximizing the daylight. However, when we do stop to take a break from the activities we realize one important thing, we are tired.  We have spent so much time enjoying ourselves we often forget to rest. Now that we are in the peak of the season, we must re-evaluate our plans to ...

    Waking Up to Sunshine
    Waking Up to Sunshine

    It is nice to wake up in the morning to sunshine.  Gone are the short and dark days of winter where it is only sunny when we are stuck at work.  We have time to get some sun before and after work and we must not take this for granite.  However, with this weather comes a lot of problems to work through.  Schools will be ending soon, it is vacation season at work, and there will be countless local outdoors events to attend.  These activities will be fun but will not be without stress.



    Spring and the Office
    Spring and the Office

    The days are getting longer, the temperature continues to rise, which signals the arrival of spring.  As you drive around your neighborhood and to and from work you will see green leaves on trees, perennials staring to make their return, and blooming flowers everywhere.  We are all spending more time outside and getting more sun.  There is only one problem, we still must go to work.  However, there are ways to bring the excitement of this new season to work with us.

    Bring the Outdoors Inside


    We All Want to Live the High Life
    We All Want to Live the High Life

    We all want to live the high-end lifestyle like we see on social media.  Influencers promote designer fashion, expensive cars, jewelry, and exceptional home and office decor.  The image created by these people, who promoted a dream lifestyle, can cost much more than the average person or business can afford.  However, there is a way to obtain the high-end style on a budget.


     Ditch the Big Brand Names

    The easiest way to pull off a look or design style on a budget is to ditch the big brand na...