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    The Holiday Season is in Full Swing

    The Holiday Season is in Full Swing

    The holiday season is in full swing as the year comes to an end.  Like every year, 2023 was full of excitement, drama, major world events, and personal accomplishment.  The time from Thanksgiving to Christmas is known as the season of joy and despite the challenges of last year it is the season in which we celebrate our family and loved ones.  We go shopping, we exchange gifts, we have family gatherings and meals, and we give presents.  We spread joy.  However, how we prepare for the holidays has changed over the last decade as technology and the internet has evolved.



    Part of spreading joy and making the most of the holiday season is decorating our homes and places of work.  Some of us just put up a simple tree while others create massive displays that people come from all over the city to view.  There are no rules when it comes to decorating.  Every family and individual must do what makes them happy.    Although, as social media continues to grow in popularity people are spreading their opinions, both negative and positive, more often and to more people.  The internet and social platforms are currently full of people complaining that people decorate too early or do too much. Unfortunately, we often spend too much time worrying about what other people think.  When and how you and your family decorate should be your own decision.  If you want to put up the lights early and leave them up late into January because that’s what makes you happy, do it.  Do not let other people’s negativity stop you.   Finally, it is important to remember that there will always be people who do not like your décor and are willing to spread gossip about it, but do not forget there are also many people who enjoy your displays and do not comment. 



    For those who went out on Black Friday morning deal shopping at retail stores, one thing should have been clear.  The stores were busy, but the mad rushes of the past are gone for good.  The main reason why is the internet and e-commerce.  Most major retailers offer the same deals for online orders as they do in the store. Why fight the crowds and get up early to drive all over when you can buy the same things from the comfort of your own home?  If you do not want to have items shipped to you, just inquire about instore pickup for online orders. Most major retailers offer this service.  There will always be a few deals that are only available in stores but that is a small percentage in today’s retail world.  This has changed the way in which we buy gifts and shop for them.  We can even view items online, check stock, and go to the store to get them at our convenience.  However, we must also be cautious.   Most Black Friday weekend only deals are on items only available that weekend until they sell out.  Many of these products are designed to be cheaper by taking away said items performance capabilities.  This is not always the case but is important to know that a $200 Black Friday television is likely poorer quality than standard store stock one for $500.  This does not mean do not buy the deal item, it means doing your research to make sure you know what you are buying.



    The most overlooked aspect of the holiday season is its impact on our professions.  Many businesses do significant business in December when others are relatively quiet.  It doesn’t matter how much business your company does in December, what matters is we spend some time analyzing our year.  Small business owners want to report as little business income as ethically and legally possible.  This often means spending some extra profit on reinvestment, employee benefits, or technological or workplace upgrades.  A construction company with high profits for the year might want to reinvest in equipment or even an office upgrade.  This does not mean spending irresponsibly, but to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.  It is better to grow your business through internal expansion than bank loans or to increase employee morale through yearend bonuses than it is to pay the money as an income tax.  December is the time to plan for the future of our businesses and to make financial decisions to put us in a place to achieve our goals.


    The internet, our careers and businesses, and social media have evolved holiday season habits.  We still try to spread love and joy but the tools we use to do so have modernized. Do not be afraid to embrace this change and embrace technology.  If you are unsure about something you see online reach out to the company who runs the website.  Any reputable business will answer inquiries within a reasonable amount of time.    Finally, as always, if you have any questions about giving the gift of office furniture or upgrading your personal office, please contact us at  The end of the year is always a great time to buy.  Commercial office furniture prices often increase at the start of the year.